Production.clp (2015version)
自分たちのProduction動作を作る前に,まずはCarologistics のProductionの動作を解析します.
# CLIPS 関係の用語が間違っていたらごめんなさい.
まず,何がどういう順番で呼ばれるかを確認するために,game.clp でのProduction の扱いを見ます.
(defrule game-remove-exploration-states "When entering PRODUCTION phase, remove all states that are only needed in EXPLORATION." (phase PRODUCTION) ?s <- (state ?exp-state&:(eq "EXP_" (sub-string 1 4 (str-cat ?exp-state)))) => (printout warn "removing exp-state because we are in production" crlf) (retract ?s) )
で,Production.clp の方ですが,(たぶんほぼ)全てのルールに(phase PRODUCTION)の条件が書かれているので,読み進めるときには無視してもよさげです.
13:02:09.378357 CLIPS (agent): Using default position of C-RS2 13:02:09.378501 CLIPS (agent): Using default position of C-RS1 13:02:09.378638 CLIPS (agent): Using default position of C-CS2 13:02:09.378765 CLIPS (agent): Using default position of C-DS 13:02:09.378919 CLIPS (agent): Using default position of C-BS 13:02:09.379055 CLIPS (agent): Using default position of C-CS1 ... 13:02:09.392129 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id C-RS2 side INPUT frame /map trans (4.7 3.7 0) rot (0.0 0.0 0.926499071042854 0.376297052017058) ... 13:02:09.393011 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id C-RS1 side INPUT frame /map trans (1.1 2.4 0) rot (0.0 0.0 -0.741296511727503 0.671177682659842) ... 13:02:09.393784 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id C-CS2 side OUTPUT frame /map trans (-3.1 2.6 0) rot (0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0) ... 13:02:09.394505 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id C-DS side OUTPUT frame /map trans (-0.8 5.0 0) rot (0.0 0.0 -0.084897682802416 0.99638967450229) ... 13:02:09.395146 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id C-BS side INPUT frame /map trans (4.5 1.2 0) rot (0.0 0.0 0.916803108771767 0.399339529406273) ... 13:02:09.395811 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id C-CS1 side INPUT frame /map trans (-4.3 5.11 0) rot (0.0 0.0 -0.0149994375063281 0.999887502109359) ... 13:02:09.714231 CLIPS (agent): navgraph-generation should be finished now 13:02:09.722535 CLIPS (agent): Stop using initial ids 13:02:09.722718 CLIPS (agent): Could not explore the machines of the other team, adding them as they would be perfectly mirrowed 13:02:09.727769 CLIPS (agent): Could not explore the machines of the other team, adding them as they would be perfectly mirrowed 13:02:09.728810 CLIPS (agent): Could not explore the machines of the other team, adding them as they would be perfectly mirrowed 13:02:09.729535 CLIPS (agent): Could not explore the machines of the other team, adding them as they would be perfectly mirrowed 13:02:09.730588 CLIPS (agent): Could not explore the machines of the other team, adding them as they would be perfectly mirrowed 13:02:09.731872 CLIPS (agent): Could not explore the machines of the other team, adding them as they would be perfectly mirrowed 13:02:09.732940 CLIPS (agent): Add Tag Nr.97 (M-CS1 INPUT) we got from another bot to Navgraph-generation 13:02:09.733084 CLIPS (agent): TODO: check which zone contains the machine, so we don't try to find a tag there again ... 13:02:09.736966 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id M-RS2 side INPUT frame /map trans (-4.7 3.7 0) rot (0.0 0.0 0.376297027191611 0.926499081125694) ... 13:02:09.738441 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id M-RS1 side INPUT frame /map trans (-1.1 2.4 0) rot (0.0 0.0 -0.671177699861705 0.741296496152755) ... 13:02:09.739926 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id M-CS2 side OUTPUT frame /map trans (3.1 2.6 0) rot (0.0 0.0 1.0 2.67948965850286e-08) ... 13:02:09.741002 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id M-DS side OUTPUT frame /map trans (0.8 5.0 0) rot (0.0 0.0 -0.99638967647235 0.0848976596810904) ... 13:02:09.742098 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id M-BS side INPUT frame /map trans (-4.5 1.2 0) rot (0.0 0.0 0.399339504840629 0.916803119472028) ... 13:02:09.744612 CLIPS (agent): Send UpdateStationByTagMessage: id M-CS1 side INPUT frame /map trans (4.3 5.11 0) rot (0.0 0.0 -0.999887502457422 0.0149994143038352) ...
13:03:35.255905 CLIPS (agent): 13:03:35.331013 CLIPS (agent): ... 13:03:36.164284 CLIPS (agent): ***** Enabling motor ***** 13:03:36.164398 CLIPS (agent): R-1 13:03:36.164444 CLIPS (agent): Calling skill drive_into_field{team="CYAN", wait=0} 13:03:36.164488 ClipsAgentThread: Calling skill drive_into_field{team="CYAN", wait=0} 13:03:36.165317 SkillerLua: Drive into field WAIT: 0.000000 13:03:36.200789 SkillerLua: Drive into field goto C-ins-in 13:03:36.200925 SkillerLua: goto INIT:init 1 13:03:36.200945 SkillerLua: goto INIT:init 13:03:36.222743 SkillerLua: place C-ins-in 13:03:36.222828 SkillerLua: goto (4.300000, 1.000000) delta is (0.757732, -0.170742) 13:03:36.223211 SkillerLua: relgoto target_reached to (0.757732, -0.170742) 13:03:36.223273 SkillerLua: relgoto target_reached to (0.757732, -0.170742) 13:03:36.243108 FawkesMainThread: Loop time exceeded, desired: 0.066333 sec (66333 usec), actual: 0.088247 sec 13:03:36.250677 CLIPS (agent): Skill drive_into_field is RUNNING, was: IDLE
13:04:41.852230 CLIPS (agent): PROD: FILL C-RS1 with base from BS 13:04:41.854572 CLIPS (agent): Timelog: Task fill-rs started.