
rcll get startedをまとめてみます.

rcll-get-started: RCLLの始め方

This repository bundles the documentation and setup details around the software used in the RCLL.

General information

Most of the software used in the RCLL can be found in the [github organization](https://github.com/robocup-logistics).
RCLLで使っているほとんどのソフトウエアは,github で公開されています.
The docker images for the RCLL get published to the [quay](https://quay.io/organization/robocup-logistics).

Rules for RCLL: RCLLのルール

The rulebook for the RCLL can be found [here](https://github.com/robocup-logistics/rcll-rulebook).

Libraries for RCLL: RCLLに関するライブラリ

There are various libraries to make communication with the refbox easy, at the moment there is one for [Java](https://github.com/robocup-logistics/rcll-java) and one for [C++](https://github.com/fawkesrobotics/protobuf_comm).
Here you can find an [example](https://github.com/lef98/rcll_refbox_comm_example) that is using the C++ lib.

Installation of this Repo: このレポジトリのインストール

Prerequisites: 必要とされるもの

To use this repository you have to have `docker`, `docker-compose` and `bash` installed. To make the commands available you have to source `setup.sh`, you can do this in our local
コマンドを実行できるようにするには,setup.sh をsource コマンドで読み込む必要があり,自分のホームディレクトリの下の.bashrc にて実行することができます.

Configuration: 設定

All the commands that are listened below can be configured via various env variables.
以下に書かれている全てのコマンドは,env 変数経由で設定できます.
To overwrite the defaults which are set in the `setup.sh` script, manually overwrite them in the file `local_setup.sh`.
setup.shスクリプトに書かれているデフォルトの設定を上書きするには,local_setup.sh のファイルの該当部分を手動で上書きして下さい.
This file is ignored in git and will be created automatically once you source the `setup.sh` for the first time.
If you want to play a c0 productino challenge, one must add `export REFBOX_CONFIG_CHALLENGE=./../config/refbox/challenge_prod_c0.yaml` into his `local_setup.sh`.
C0-Productionチャレンジを行うには,local_setup.shに,「export REFBOX_CONFIG_CHALLENGE=./../config/refbox/challenge_prod_c0.yaml」を追加しなければなりません.

Commands: コマンド:


start the refbox and the vue frontend. the ui can then be accessed via: [http://localhost/](http://localhost/)
RefBox とvueフロントエンドを起動し,http://localhost にてアクセスできます.

Env variables for configuration:
– `REFBOX_IMAGE` image to use for refbox: RefBox のために使うイメージ名
– `REFBOX_TAG` tag to use for refbox: RefBox のために使うタグ
– `REFBOX_FRONTEND_IMAGE` image to use for refbox frontend: refbox frontend のために使うイメージ名
– `REFBOX_FRONTEND_TAG` tag to use for refbox frontend: refbox frontend のために使うタグ
– `REFBOX_CONFIG_GAME` game config to use in the refbox.: RefBox で使うゲームconfig
– `REFBOX_CONFIG_SIMULATION` simulation config to use in the refbox.: refbox で使うシミュレーション用のconfig
– `REFBOX_CONFIG_COMM` communication config to use in the refbox.: refbox で使う通信用のconfig
– `REFBOX_CONFIG_MPS` mps config to use in the refbox.: refbox で使うMPS用のconfig
– `REFBOX_CONFIG_TEAM` team config to use in the refbox.: refbox で使うチーム用のconfig
– `REFBOX_CONFIG_CHALLENGE` challenges config to use in the refbox.: refbox で使うchallenge のconfig
– `REFBOX_CONFIG_MONGODB` mongodb config to use in the refbox.: refbox で使うmongodb用のconfig

In the folder `config/refbox` are some configuraitons which are used by default.
You can find more [here](https://github.com/robocup-logistics/rcll-refbox/tree/master/cfg]) in the rcll-refbox repository.
rcll-refbox レポジトリ内のここに詳細があります.


This stops the refbox (this command also calls: `rc_stop_mqtt_bridge`, so the mqtt bridge is also stopped)
これは,refboxを止めます(このコマンドは,rc_stop_mqtt_bridgeも呼び出しますので,mqtt bridgeも止まります).


Note: The image is only available via ghcr.io, so you have to login in order to be able to pull it!
注意: このイメージは,ghcr.io 経由にのみ存在しますので,それをpull するためにはログインしないといけません.

Env variables for configuration:
– `RC_MQTT_START` set to true if mqtt bridge should start: mqtt brdgeを開始するなら,この変数をtrue にして下さい.
– `RC_MQTT_BROKER` broker to connec to: Brokerを接続するところです.
– `RC_MQTT_REFBOX` ip of the refbox: RefBoxのIPアドレスです.
– `RC_MQTT_TEAM` team name: チーム名を設定して下さい.
– `RC_MQTT_KEY` crypto key for refbox communication: RefBox の通信用の暗号鍵を設定して下さい.


This stops the mqtt bridge
これは,mqtt bridge を停止します.


start the rcll-simulator and the frontend for it. The ui can then be accessed via [http://localhost:4200/](http://localhost:4200/)“.
rcll-simulator とそのためのfrontend を起動します.
このUIは,http://localhost:4300/ にてアクセスできます.
Env variables for configuration:

– `SIMULATOR_IMAGE` image to use for simulator: simulator として使うイメージ名
– `SIMULATOR_TAG` tag to use for simulator: simulator として使うタグ
– `SIMULATOR_FRONTEND_IMAGE` image to use for simulator frontend: simulator frontend として使うイメージ名
– `SIMULATOR_FRONTEND_TAG` tag to use for simulator frontend: simulator frontend として使うタグ
– `SIMULATOR_CONFIG_FILE` the config file used for the simulator.: simulator として使う設定ファイル名

Documentation For RCLL: RCLL のための文章

Generally it is good to take a look at the refbox [wiki](https://github.com/robocup-logistics/rcll-refbox/wiki), which contains a lot of information.

Communication: 通信

Each Team has to communicate with the [refbox](https://github.com/robocup-logistics/rcll-refbox).
This is done via the [rcll-protobuf-msgs](https://github.com/robocup-logistics/rcll-protobuf-msgs).
You can find a detailed documentation on them [here](https://pkohout.github.io/rcll-protobuf-msgs/).
In the refbox repository is a wiki entry giving a good overview of the communication, see this [link](https://github.com/robocup-logistics/rcll-refbox/wiki/Communication-Protocol#messages-sent-from-the-refbox)


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