RoboCup 2021 Logistics League – RefBox Workshop(のメモ)


NOTE duration:”00:36:57.3870000″
NOTE language:en-us
NOTE Confidence: 0.87113625

Hello and welcome everybody to the RefBox Workshop which is a qualification requirement for the RoboCup Logistics League this year.
What we’re going to cover in this workshop is, how to start everything that you need which is the web shop, it is the front end, and the RefBox itself.
これは,今年のRoboCup Logistics Leagueの参加要件です.
この講習会で扱うのは,必要となる全てのものをどのように始めるか です.web shop, front end,そしてRefBox そのものです.

We will start by making sure that everything that we need is up and running.
So first of all, for the web shop, we need to know whether our web server is running where the web shop is hosted.
In order to do this, we do type in this command
まずは,web shopです.
web shopが動いているパソコンでwebサーバが動いているかを知る必要があります.

sudo systemctl status httpd

Then it asks you for the password.
The password is refbox in small letters.
And then you wait until you get a response from the service and you can see.

It is active. So now we can close this command with control C.
And now we need to check whether the Mongo database is running, which is a requirement for the refbox and to do this we type in this command and then we hit enter and then we can see here that the Mongo database is running.
CTRL+C で,このコマンドを終了しましょう.
次に,Mongo databaseが動いているかどうか確認しましょう.これは,RefBox に必要です.
確認には次のコマンドを入力し,Mongo databaseが動いていることを確認できます.

sudo systemctl status mongod

Another requirement that we need for the web shop is a mySQL database and in order to Check this.
We type in this. And we check whether the my SQL database is running.
web shopに必要な残る項目は,mySQLデータベースです.

sudo systemctl status mysqld.service

And you can see here it is running.
So now that we know that everything we need is running.

We will start to fire up all the things that we need so the front end.
The front end is located in a directory called rcll-refbox-front-end.
front endで必要な物を全て起動しましょう.
front endは,rcll-refbox-frontendのディレクトリの中にあります.

And now we will change into this directory.
And you can see here.
Does all the files on top level and when you check the readme with any editor you like, you can use Vim. You can use nano or you can see that in order to run it.
You type in this command NPM run serve.
All the other things up front are already done, so you only need to run it and now you are here.
NPM run serve.

npm run serve

Oh, make sure that you do not have a typo.

This takes a bit of time for it to start up because this virtual machine is a bit low spec.
You can see here the modules are built.
Are being built. And then you can see here that it’s going to be hosted on Localhost Port 8080.
And so you open up your browser.
And you go to localhost 8080 and you can see here is the new front end, and you can already see that that it is complaining that there’s no connection which is actually correct because we have not yet started a refbox.
そして,localhost:8080に接続すると,front endが起動します.まだRefBoxを起動していないので「no connection」のメッセージが出ます.

So you can just click OK. And then this is the front end.
So. To go back where we are, we go back to our terminals.
We can see here. OK, the front end is still running.
これが「front end」です.
この状態でも,front endはまだ動いています.

And now what we will do is we will loads A custom config for our RefBox.
To do this, you’ll need to change into the directory rcll-refbox which we are going to do now.
And and I said RefBox, you have these directories, but you need this one. CFG for config.
And then in config you can see that there are a lot of config files here.
Most of them are template files.
これをするには,rcll-refbox のディレクトリに移動します.
以後,RefBox と言ったら,このディレクトリのことです.
そして,これ(cfg),設定のためのcfg に移動します.
cfg のディレクトリには,多数の設定ファイルがあります.

Up to this file, this file is the actual file that is going to be loaded by the RefBox.
So how do we do this with a custom one? Well?
You check the readme and you can see that.
このファイル(config.yaml),これがRefBox が読み込む実際のファイルです.

That’s like all of this these instructions.
Uh, we have. Several conflicts to do, and This is why we need to enable the Mongo database.
We need to enable the challengers we need to enable the web shop.
And then. You need to change the team name.
Mongo データベースを使えるようにするとか,チャレンジを有効にするとか,web shopを有効にするとかです.

You can read all of this in this readme here and you have to change it to the name of your team.
We will go over this in the config file later on as well.
So and then how do you configure a challenge?
readme のこの辺をよく読んで下さいね.

The challenges have a name and you need to name your challenge and it should be your team name.
The challenge that you want to do and the difficulty level that you want to do.
This is as I already mentioned, the RefBox loads only the name called Config.yaml.
And if you want your file to be loaded, you need to copy your template file.
チャレンジは「名前」を持っていて,「チーム名_チャレンジ名_難易度(difficulty level)」にしないといけません.
先ほども述べましたが,RefBoxはconfig.yaml のみを読み込みます.

cp config_XXX.yaml config.yaml

Into the config document file.
And here is a documentation on how to configure the challenges, what the challenges are and what they could require exactly is written down in the rule book.
Uh, So what we’re going to cover here now is OK, so you have this field challenges and then you have enable which you need to set to true the name.
どのチャレンジをするのか,そしてルールブックに書かれている通り何が必要とされているのか です.
challenges のフィールドがあり,enableをtrueに設定して,nameを設定しないといけません.
(※画面上では,”challges/enable: false,challenges/name: “となっている)

Is the exact same thing that you saw earlier here,
so this is actually where you type in.
Your name in the config file, not in the readme file.
readme のファイルに書かれているnameではありません.

And then you can configure the fields what size you want.
Which size do you want?
You don’t need to change this for the challenges, but you need to change this for the Virtual RoboCup League where we’re going to be playing on half a field, which is the 7 by 8 meter field.
ハーフフィールドで実施するVirtual RoboCup Leagueに挑戦するときは,これを7 x 8 [meter](※実際は,「width: 7, height: 8」です)へ変更して下さい.

Mirror tells you that the field should be mirrored.
Be careful with this setting because this setting doubles the field size, so you will suddenly have 10 meter by 10 meter field.
Which is actually not true, but you will have double the size movies.
つまり,ここを変更したら,10 x 10メートルのフィールドになってしまいます.

Yes, this is the production time.
This is how long the production phase is going to be.
さて,ここ(challenges/production-time)は「生産時間(production time)」の項目です.

This is also important right here.
It says true this will be set to false because orders are supposed to be configured with the webshop.
I will show this later on in the tutorial so always make sure that this is set to false.
I will show this again in a config file later. Uhm?

Yeah, so so much for the general configuration.
Now it comes down to the configuration of your challenges.

As you know, there are several different kinds of challenges.
There’s a navigation challenge.
Does exploration challenged as a production challenge?
There’s also a grasping or pick and place challenge,
A lot of editing in these config files, so we will go over this briefly later.

Publish routes publish Roots is the setting that you need to
If you enable this to true, the refbox will publish a set of 12 points that you will have to reach with your robots.
And you will have to reach every point and wait at the location of every point for five seconds.
In order for the refbox to count you reaching that point.

Now on to the next one.
To the machines the machines are actually what are going to do.
What is going to be the.
Determination of your difficulty.
The more machines they are on the field, the higher the.
At the higher difficulty you can see this here.
Two is the easy difficulty and four is the hard difficulty.
マシンが実際に何をするか です.

It is up to you to choose what stations you want fulfilled because if you want to take part in the C3 challenge,
Or wondering station depending on how you want to build your C3.
Because you can configure it like that.
Yes, and then you can see here that you can customize the machine setup.
You can choose what colors are in the machines.
And you can choose what costs the Ring space alright so so much for the documentation.

We will now look at an actual config file, so now we close this file and we
config_easy_exploration を見てみましょう(※ファイル名は,config_explo_easy.yamlです).

Hey stop. You can ignore a lot of this stuff that is happening here, but you need to pay close attention to this.
Because this needs to be true so that you get the points correctly,
And then you need to change this to the name of your team as well.
ここをtrue にしていると,refbox が試合のログを残します.

My team is carologistics, so we’re going to have coverage sticks here.
But if you’re just enter your team.
Remove the account logistics and enter your team name here.
自分たちのチーム名を入れるときは,Carologistics を消して,自分のチーム名をここに入れて下さい.

So now we have reached the most interesting part, which is this one.

As you can see, the challenge is enabled.
The field size is correct as well.
It is not mirrored. There is.
No, sending off the MPS positions because it is an exploration challenge.
探索チェレンジ(exploration challenge)ですので,MPSの情報は何も送りません(send-mps-ground-truthの項目が”[]”になっています).

And there’s also no orders because we are not going to be ordering

And now you can already see here.
That this is not what we want, because we need the power
I am sorry, we obviously don’t need this to be published because
So this is correct as well.
そのため,「enable: false」の設定で合っています.

And we want to have it easy, so we just have two stations and

When you finished editing your configuration, you will now need to ensure that
vi(vim含む)の場合は,保存して終了は「esc」+「:wq」です(write + quit).

Configuration file into the configuration file that is actually to be loaded.
設定ファイルを実際に読み込むには,config.yaml へコピーする必要があります.

cp config_explo_easy.yaml config.yaml

So now check whether it actually worked.
You can open the config and you can see hear that. You loaded the exploration easy challenge.
So now you can just go ahead.
And start the RefBox in order to start the red box,
So go into the bin directory and you will have to start.
This executable.
So now you can see that.
challengesのところがexploration easy の設定になっているかどうか,もう一度確認して下さい.
「llsf-refbox」 のファイルです.実行形式になっています.

cd rcll-refbox/bin

Everything is started.
And you can go to your Front end.
You can find on local also and now you can see it that you are already connected to it.
If you are not already connected to it, you can type localhost and then use Port 1234 to get to the refbox, so type that in and you can see OK.
起動したら,次はfront endに移ります.
「localhost:8080 」で接続を確認できます.
「new client connected」のメッセージで,clientの接続を確認できます.
右上の地球儀のマークを押すことで,接続の項目(「Enter Ip and Port」)が出てきます.

I’m connected then you can add your two men.
And now you’re all set to start your challenge in
Once you do this, you will enter the setup phase.
「Add Team Cyan」をクリックしてチーム名を入力して下さい(今回はCarologistics).
チャレンジを開始するには,「スタートボタン(start/resume game)」を押して下さい.
これで「セットアップフェーズ(setup phase)」に入ります.

And now you can already see that this.
Is correct? All of these stations are not actually set up on the field.
They are just here.
Sure, but the minus one indicates that they are not on the field and
今回は,設定ファイルに書いたとおり,Base StationとCap Station-1 のみが存在します.

So now once you have finished your setup.
You can actually start your challenge and you are doing the exploration challenge.
So you are going to enter the exploration phase once you click on it,
So now you have entered the exploration phase and now you can see that the.
Position of the machines has.
Gone and now you will have to wait for your robots to report to the

Once this is done, you will go into post game because

So once you have finished your challenge you will go into post game
And the game report is written to the Mongo DB.
チャレンジが終わってPost_Gameに移行したら,得点が出力され(「OVERALL TOTAL POINTS: 0」の部分),mongoDBにデータを書き出します(「Writing game report to MongoDB」の部分).

Alright, so this is how you start and end a challenge.
Once all of this is done, you will go back to your red
Shut down the refbox because every time you start a new challenge,
以上,どのようにチャレンジを始めて,どのように終わるか でした.
これができたら,いったんRefBox の端末に戻って下さい.
そして,RefBoxを終了(shutdown: CTRL + C)して下さい.

So whenever you start a challenge, you will need to start a new ref box.
You shut down the RefBox by pressing control C.
And sometimes it doesn’t shut down immediately,
And once it is shut down, you can see that now the fresh box
RefBoxをshutdownするには,Control + C です.
そのときは,再度Control + C を押して下さい.
終了したら,front endは「There is no Connection!」となります.

We will go back to our tournament terminal with the conflicts and we
次は,production のチャレンジを確認します.

So now we will look at this config.
And we will make sure again that Mongo DB is an evertz.
Our team name is correct.
And we will. Check.
Whether this is actually one we want? OK, so challenges is enabled.
This is good.
The field size is correct as well, and now this is important because
You will get the field.
Data from the refbox, which you can configure like this.
So if you need the few data in the production phase,
During production.

config ファイルを確認します.
mongoDBは「enable: true」になっていますよね.
challengeも「enable: true」になっていますよね.
生産チャレンジ(Production Challenge)では,フィールドの探索は不要です.
フィールドの情報はRefBox からもらうことができます.
ですので,このように(「send-mps-ground-truth: [PRODUCTION]」)設定します.
生産フェーズ(Production Phase)では,収集すべき情報はほとんどありません.

Again, the production time is just the length.
The orders are going to be configured in the web shop which
We don’t want to publish a route, which is why this is set to false and
And also we want to use the custom setup that is declared here.
Which is for this challenge, not relevant because we’re only
So now we have made sure that our config file is correct and we close
注文(orders)は,web shopから与えます.
経路は表示する必要がありません(publish-routesにて「enable: false」となっていることを確認).
製品の製造に関してはcustom設定にする必要です(「machine-setup/customize: true」です).
しかし,今回はBSと,CS1のみを使います(「machines: [BS, CS1]」の項目)ので,この情報(RS関係の情報)は意味を持ちません.

Now we want to make sure that this actually did the right thing,
そして,設定ファイルにコピーし,config.yaml を確認します.

cp config_production_2_machines.yaml config.yaml

This is correct. This is correct.
And all of these things are correct as well so.
Nice, so now you can close this.

So in order to place a order for the production challenge,
生産チャレンジ(production challenge)にて注文を出すには,web shopを使わないといけません.

The workshop is hosted on an Apache server that is already running on startup,
web shop は,すでに起動時にapache server上で動作しています.

This is the web shop and here you can can configure your products
これがweb shopの画面です.ここ(左側のメニュー)で,製品を設定できます.

You will pick your product that you want to produce here for this order.

We are going to be doing a C0 product because we only have a base

We are going to.
Click on the C Zero product and now you can see that the zero product
And I kept color.
And then you add this to your card.
And then you go to check out.
And then you.

Will use these pre saved.
Customer data which is.
The correct account to use.
So you log in.
Once you have completed the locking process, you will just continue.
With all of these standard values because they are not part of
Then once you have done all this, it is time to confirm your order
And now you can see, OK, your order has been placed.
But now you need to get your order into the refbox.
And how do you do this? Alright, so you need to restart the refbox.
そして,「カートに追加(add to cart)」を押します.
そして「支払い(check out)」を選びます.
※これ,最初は「New Customer」でアカウントを作らないといけないのかなぁ…
最後に「支払いの確認(Confirm Order)」を選びます.
そうすると,「Your order has been placed!」の画面になります.
RefBox が終了した状態になっているので,再度,起動して下さい.

So now that you’re rough Boxer started.
RefBox が起動しました.

You need to start the red box controller and the Refworks controller is a
So you can just type in.
This command Rust launch open cards underscore red Box Red
RefBox Controllerも起動します.
RefBox Controller は,ROS を使っています.
そのため,起動にはroslaunch を使います.

roslaunch opencart_refbox refbox_controller.launch

And this will start.
And this will start the communication between the web shop and the ref box.
So the order that you placed will now be communicated to the red box.
これで,web shopとrefbox 間の通信を行います.

You can see this here.
The orders being forwarded and.
Now you can see OK, the connection is established here.
So now what you need to do since you have restarted the ref box,
So you go to your front end.
And you can see, OK, we’re already connected and I want to add team
ここ(「Forwarding order (221)」)を見て下さい.
そして,RefBoxの方では「Client 4 connected from ::1:57052」のメッセージが出ており,接続されたことが分かります.
RefBoxの再起動ができたら,次は,front endの再起動です.
新たにタブを開いて,再度front endにつないで下さい(「localhost:8080」です).
「new client connected」を確認して,チーム名を入力して下さい(「Add Team Cyan」のところです).

Will go into the setup phase.
They can see over base station.
I have a cap station that I want to use my production for and.
Now what you want to do is, since it’s a production challenge,
「Setup Phase」を開始します.
まず,「Production Challenge」ですので,「Exploration Phase」を飛ばして「PRODUCTION」を選びます.
RefBox からMPSの位置情報を得ることができますので,直接Production Phaseから始めて問題ありません.

That you have received this order from the webshop.
It is being shown here as well.
And if you check your.
Left works output.
You can see it here as well, and if you go to the.
Output of the Ros node.
You can see that the order was transmitted.
Stop. This is your production.
webshop で入力した注文を確認することができます(下のメッセージエリアと,右側の「Order 11: 1 x C0 from 00:06 to 17:00」).
RefBox のログのここの部分(INFOのログかなぁ)を確認して下さい.
Controller (ROSノード)のここの部分(「Forward order (221)」と「Received order Message (221)」)を確認して下さい.
最後のところに「Order (221) was transmitted」とあります.

Once the production is finished and you have produced your product successfully,
You go into postgame Anwood postgame doesn’t answer challenge,
製品を正しく製造できて,Production Phaseを終えたら,「POST_GAME」を選びます.
POST_GAMEは,競技を終えて競技レポート(game report)をMongoDBに書き出し(「Writing game report to MongoDB」),チャレンジが終わります.

As I already mentioned, we will be looking at what to do
The bigger place challenge is configuration wise.
The easiest challenge to do because you really don’t need to do anything
Take a production challenge config file in the Config.
Directory and we will be looking at the.
Two machines, one again so.
Well, look at.
Just one, so for the production for the further pick and place challenge everything
次は,Pick up and place challenge を見ていきましょう.
production_challenge のconfigを見ていきましょう.

To make sure that you are getting the NPS positions,
Everything else just stays the same.
You don’t want any orders.
You don’t want any navigation routes.
This can be the same as well, it doesn’t matter.
machinesの項目に必要なマシンを設定し,MPSの位置情報が必要なので,「send-mps-ground-truth」は「 [PRODUCTION]」にします.
Order は不要ですでし,routesも不要です.

And then you just start the ref box with that setting.
We should be going to do it now, so.
Change into the. Red Fox directory.
We will start the red box.
Additionally, we will need to restart our front and again
RefBox を起動しましょう.

So we will call in 12 front and directory. And we were.
Start the front end again.
So I can see here are red boxes started and now we need to wait for our front end
RefBox が起動していることが確認できます.

cd ~/rcll-refbox-frontend
npm run serve

You start your challenge.
And thus the refworks just basically measures a.
It is like a stopwatch because you don’t process any orders
Grasping Challenge は,RefBox を起動するだけです.
注文を処理したりしないので,RefBox は,ストップウォッチのように時間を計測するのみです.

So you will start the challenge by start hitting the start button just
Go into the production phase.
And you don’t produce anything.
Uhm? And then you just go into postgame
そして,Production Phaseを始めますが,何も生産する必要はありません.

So. Our server should be Starting soon.
Alright, so our Front end is loaded now.
Connect to it.
We are connected will add our team.
And we will start the challenge.
We will enter the setup phase like usually we were going to the
(ブラウザの方で)Front endを今,読み込みます.
Setup Phase から,Production Phaseに切り替えます.

And once you’re.
Production has finished or well, production is the wrong word.
Once all your picking and placing has been done,
And this is all there is to the grasping challenge.
生産が終わったら…,違った生産ではなく,ピッキング&プレース(Picking and placing)が終わったら,「POST_GAME」にします.

I will take a quick look at the configuration file for a navigation

I will not explicitly start a.
Navigation challenge if you just.
Look at this check.
Easy one, for example.
You will find that it’s looking very much the same man again true Co logistics.
Uh, this one is enabled as well, and then you can see here that the
ナビゲーションチャレンジの設定ファイルは,config_nav_easy.yaml です.
他と同様に,mongoDBが「enable: true」になっていて,game/teams が自分のチーム名(Carologistics)になっていることを確認します.
そして,「publish-routes」が「enable: true」になっていることを確認します(←※ここ,重要!)

And. Well, the difficulty is easy,
so you have two stations.
難易度として「簡単(easy)」を選んでいるときは,2つのステーションが必要です(machines: の項目).

Please always remember to name your games.
This is something that I have not specifically done in this tutorial,
You will always have to give a name to the challenge that you try.
競技の名前のところ,忘れないようにして下さい!(challenges/name の項目)

This is all I have to say about conflicts and rough books,

It is important to remember that you have to restart the red
You have to restart the well, you don’t have to restart the front end,
Red box, so they have free things that you have to actively restart
そして,Front endは再起動しなくても大丈夫ですがwebページの再読込(refresh)が必要です.

Once you are done with all the challenges, now comes the arguably the most
You need to submit the game reports that you have recorded and to do this you
Red Box folder order.
You can find it in the.
Refworks directory and it is under ETC scripts.
And then it is the dump reportes dot Bash script.
If you take a look at the script.
You can see that it. Does a longo dump.
With the RCL game and you will also see that you have to give it an

mongoDB で記録しています.

cd ~/rcll-refbox
cd etc/scripts

上記の,dump-reports.bash がスクリプトです.
内部的には,mongodump を呼び出しています.

We can look at the README as well.
And then you can see that you should call your the file name where you are saving your game reports to should

So if you want to create the.
If you now want to get your game reports from the Mongo DB,
MongoDBからgame reportを得るには,dump_reports.bash にチーム名を引数として実行して下さい.

And then I just run the script.
And you can see that it’s a four documents into this game report
Or I did for examples here.
One was a 41 which I cut out because I showed you the exploration.
I showed you the production and I showed you the.
Picking place and the 4th one which I didn’t show is something went wrong there, but.
チーム名は,Carologistics です.

Don’t worry about it. You will see that.
You can double check whether all the challenges that you did are

The file is here and that fire you will have to share with the committees

And. Yes, this is everything I
have to say for this tutorial.
If you have any questions.
Feel free to.
Email me and we can work your issues out.
I have nothing much, nothing more to say so.
I wish you good luck and success working through this workshop you

And remember it is.
Mandatory that you submit. A.
File for your team where at least.
2 custom game reports are stored so we can see that you started

In your mum. File.
Hi, thank you and so we will see each other at all.


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