IEEEIEEE Consumer Technology Society 2024 IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics

GCCE 2024 | AIM Medium Exhibition Hall and RIHGA Royal Hotel Kokura, Japan | Oct. 29 - Nov. 1 2024

2024 IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024) is an annual international conference sponsored by IEEE Consumer Technology Society. This is a sister conference of the International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) in conjunction with CES in Las Vegas, USA.

Carrying forward this successful momentum, GCCE 2024 will bring together top technical professionals from the consumers electronics industry and academia to exchange information and results of state-of-the-art work on systems, circuits, technologies, processes and applications. Attending GCCE 2024, researchers, system developers, and service providers will be able to share their ideas, designs, and experience in emerging technologies.

Please join and experience the power of GCCE 2024!

Click on an item in a sidebar for more information.

Opning Remarks & Keynote are decided!

GCCE 2024 is honored to have an excellent speakers for Opening Remarks & Keynote. Please check Opening Remarks and Keynote pages with amazement!

Important Dates Updated!

The important dates are updated. Please visit the Important Dates page for the latest information.

EDAS for GCCE 2024 is Open!

EDAS pages for GCCE 2024 are now open!
For more details on submissions, please visit Paper Submission page.

Can We Participate in GCCE 2024 Online?

Participation categories for GCCE2024 will be divided into Oral, Poster, and Demo.
For these categories, only Oral is currently available through online participation.

Organized Sessions!

GCCE 2024 appreciates the many Organized Session proposals received through two deadlines.
We have summarized the OS proposals on the Organized Session page.

Call for Papers!

You can get the call for paper leaflet of GCCE 2024 here.
Topics treated in GCCE 2024 are listed at Topic List for Regular Tracks and Organied Sessions.

Conference Venue!

Information about the conference location is now available. Please visit the Conference Venue page for the latest information.

Past Topics

Call for Organized Sessions! (past)

GCCE 2023 welcome your proposals of Organized Sessions (OS). Please submit your OS via OS application form.

Call for Organized Sessions: The second deadline is approaching! (past)

GCCE 2024 welcome your proposals of Organized Sessions (OS). Please submit your OS via OS application form.